fund an idea

The Gallatin Gardeners Club has been supporting gardening related activities in Gallatin County since the Club's founding in 1982. In recent years, with the development of a club market garden, the Gallatin Gardeners Club income from summer Farmers Market sale has greatly increased. The Club uses this income, along with proceeds from its annual Plant and Tool Sale, to provide grant support to local non-profits, schools, and community groups as well as MSU scholarships and horticulture programs.

Deadline for 2025 grant applications is January 15, 2025
The Gallatin Gardeners Club criteria for evaluating grant requests is based on the Club's goals of furthering horticultural knowledge and practice, promoting understanding of gardening and nutrition, and increasing the availability of fresh, locally grown foods. Projects submitted for funding should address one or more of the following criteria (not listed in any order of preference).

Advance gardening practice or horticultural knowledge and training
Support the dissemination of gardening and nutritional knowledge at the school and/or community level
Expand opportunities for gardening through development of community and school gardens
Promote the aesthetic benefits of gardening and encourage the creation or improvement of local landscapes to provide human enjoyment, wildlife habitat and other benefits
Increase the availability of fresh, locally grown produce
Meet the nutritional needs of underserved members of the community - when possible, through provision of locally grown foods
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Please email the finished application to: info@gallatingardenersclub.com